


| ├──11.2王炸晚班 班会PPT.pdf 782.26kb
| └──班会(1).mp4 604.14M
| ├──11.06高分词汇.mp4 479.99M
| ├──11.10高分词汇.mp4 492.69M
| ├──11.3 王炸班Jeremy.pptx 1.11M
| ├──密码jeremy.txt
| └──强化词汇口语Jeremy.pptx 19.76M
| ├──课件
| | ├──1_杨帅雅思口语-第八课.pdf 251.36kb
| | ├──杨帅雅思口语-第二课.pdf 217.55kb
| | ├──杨帅雅思口语-第六课.pdf 271.50kb
| | ├──杨帅雅思口语-第七课.pdf 276.80kb
| | ├──杨帅雅思口语-第三课.pdf 233.64kb
| | └──杨帅雅思口语-第一课.pdf 546.03kb
| ├──杨帅雅思口语P1素材
| | ├──P1-animals
| | ├──P1-borrowing and lending
| | ├──P1-change
| | ├──P1-clothes
| | ├──P1-concentration
| | ├──P1-discussion
| | ├──P1-famous people
| | ├──P1-fish
| | ├──P1-friends
| | ├──P1-furniture
| | ├──P1-gifts
| | ├──P1-handwriting
| | ├──P1-home
| | ├──P1-in a hurry
| | ├──P1-jokes
| | ├──P1-meeting new people
| | ├──P1-movies
| | ├──P1-newspapers and magazines
| | ├──P1-picnic
| | ├──P1-public transportation
| | ├──P1-recycle
| | ├──P1-shopping
| | ├──P1-sport
| | ├──P1-stay up late
| | ├──P1-text messages
| | ├──P1-the area you live in
| | ├──P1-tidiness
| | ├──P1-weekend
| | └──P1-work or studies
| ├──杨帅雅思口语P2素材
| | ├──P2-a change that could improve your local area
| | ├──P2-a crowded place you went to
| | ├──P2-a family member you spend the most time with
| | ├──P2-a film you would like to share with your friends
| | ├──P2-a gift that took you a long time to prepare
| | ├──P2-a goal you set for yourself
| | ├──P2-a job you would not like to do in the future
| | ├──P2-a leisure activity you do with your family
| | ├──P2-a new public place you would like to visit
| | ├──P2-a new skill you learned that you think is important
| | ├──P2-a performance you recently watched
| | ├──P2-a person in the news who you would like to meet
| | ├──P2-a person who is good at his or her job
| | ├──P2-a person who often travels by plane
| | ├──P2-a person who taught you something
| | ├──P2-a photograph you like in your room
| | ├──P2-a piece of advice you received on your subject or work
| | ├──P2-a place where you read and write(not your home)
| | ├──P2-a place you remember well that is full of colors
| | ├──P2-a popular product made in your region
| | ├──P2-a school you went to in your childhood
| | ├──P2-a situation where you celebrated your achievement
| | ├──P2-a sky you would like to see
| | ├──P2-a small but successful business or company
| | ├──P2-a special day that made you happy
| | ├──P2-a team that you were a member of
| | ├──P2-a time that you could not do what you wanted because of the weather
| | ├──P2-a time that you could not use your mobile phone
| | ├──P2-a time that you enjoyed an indoor game
| | ├──P2-a time that you got bored when you were with others
| | ├──P2-a time that you received an important message through SMS
| | ├──P2-a time that you went through a difficult challenge
| | ├──P2-a time that you were excited
| | ├──P2-a time when you did not tell a friend the truth
| | ├──P2-a time when you first met someone
| | ├──P2-a time when you helped someone
| | ├──P2-a time when you lost something and then got it back
| | ├──P2-a time you were sleepy but had to stay awake
| | ├──P2-a toy you got in your childhood
| | ├──P2-a uniform you used to wear
| | ├──P2-an article about health you read online or in a magazine
| | ├──P2-an ideal house or apartment where you would like to live
| | ├──P2-an important journey that was delayed
| | ├──P2-an interesting animal you saw
| | ├──P2-an interesting conversation you had with a stranger
| | ├──P2-something you borrowed from others
| | ├──P2-something you bought which is difficult to use
| | └──可以和很多题目进行嫁接,不单独录制素材 P2-a day that made you happy
| ├──杨帅雅思口语P3素材
| | ├──词汇
| | └──音频
| ├──正课视频
| | ├──11.07强化口语.mp4 591.13M
| | ├──11.12强化口语.mp4 333.71M
| | ├──11.17强化口语.mp4 437.74M
| | ├──11.23强化口语.mp4 383.04M
| | ├──11.30强化口语.mp4 635.34M
| | ├──12.04高分口语.mp4 1.19G
| | ├──12.11强化口语-1.mp4 588.53M
| | ├──12.11强化口语-2.mp4 422.50M
| | └──12.15强化口语.mp4 970.92M
| ├──最新99句
| | ├──99句-1-地点人物.mp3 1.54M
| | ├──99句-1-感受.m4a 3.68M
| | ├──99句-1-时间.mp3 1.14M
| | ├──99句-1-时间地点人物事件感受.pdf 279.41kb
| | ├──99句-2-超王牌句型-最新升级版-1.mp3 7.09M
| | ├──99句-2-超王牌句型-最新升级版-2.mp3 6.37M
| | ├──99句-2-超王牌句型-最新升级版-3.mp3 5.36M
| | └──99句-2-超王牌句型-最新升级版.pdf 377.28kb
| ├──Part1逻辑扩展.ppt 1.36M
| ├──Part2逻辑扩展.ppt 2.83M
| ├──Part3逻辑扩展.ppt 3.87M
| └──杨帅口语-雅思口语评分标准及提升方法.rar 45.21M
| ├──正课视频
| | ├──11.05强化听力-1mp4 193.34M
| | ├──11.05强化听力-2mp4 177.34M
| | ├──11.05强化听力-3mp4 120.25M
| | ├──11.05强化听力-4mp4 41.35M
| | ├──11.13强化听力-1mp4 991.86kb
| | ├──11.13强化听力-2mp4 332.70M
| | ├──11.13强化听力-3mp4 132.75M
| | ├──11.16强化听力mp4 406.07M
| | ├──11.28强化听力-1mp4 1.03G
| | ├──11.28强化听力-2mp4 177.64M
| | ├──12.05强化听力mp4 1.21G
| | ├──12.07高分听力-1mp4 467.86M
| | ├──12.07高分听力-2mp4 537.54M
| | ├──12.16强化听力-1mp4 724.62M
| | └──12.16强化听力-2mp4 349.73M
| ├──作业
| | ├──IMG_3962.JPG 34.81kb
| | ├──IMG_3963.PNG 24.04kb
| | ├──IMG_3964.PNG 23.14kb
| | ├──WechatIMG2291.jpeg 96.90kb
| | └──WechatIMG2292.jpeg 599.19kb
| ├──2020王陆老师听力学习计划.pdf 129.02kb
| ├──听力作业完成情况.docx 14.50kb
| ├──学习计划checklist.doc 75.00kb
| └──语料库正确率统计表.pdf 96.84kb
| ├──正课视频
| | ├──11.11强化写作(1).mp4 187.07M
| | ├──11.11强化写作(2).mp4 110.10M
| | ├──11.14强化写作.mp4 263.88M
| | ├──11.20强化写作.mp4 365.52M
| | ├──11.25强化写作.mp4 301.62M
| | ├──11.27强化写作.mp4 540.95M
| | ├──12.02强化写作.mp4 370.73M
| | ├──12.08强化写作.mp4 835.55M
| | ├──12.13强化写作.mp4 1.18G
| | ├──写作第一节-1.mp4 376.49M
| | └──写作第一节_2.mp4 397.27M
| ├──1_图表作文翻译练习.docx 18.04kb
| ├──Crack_Your_Grammar_Puzzles_Once_And_For_All(2).docx 58.80kb
| ├──Lesson1-议论文核心段.ppt 657.00kb
| ├──lesson2-discuss类型议论文.ppt 766.50kb
| ├──Lesson3-报告类议论文.ppt 357.00kb
| ├──Lesson4-agree or disagree.ppt 2.64M
| ├──lesson5-task1.ppt 13.05M
| ├──地图题分析-写作高分班.pdf 828.64kb
| ├──流程图补充教材-高分班.pdf 737.40kb
| ├──审题练习.docx 40.19kb
| └──作业.png 81.76kb
| ├──语法
| | ├──.~句式练习答案(大神班).docx 0.16kb
| | ├──1词性补充材料.pdf 101.25kb
| | ├──2主干部分补充材料.pdf 105.25kb
| | ├──3修饰部分补充材料.pdf 112.42kb
| | ├──4名词性从句补充材料.pdf 92.94kb
| | ├──5定语从句补充材料.pdf 80.14kb
| | ├──6状语从句+非谓语动词补充材料.pdf 107.84kb
| | ├──词性(大神班) .pdf 636.96kb
| | ├──定语从句(大神班).pdf 577.34kb
| | ├──定语从句练习(大神班) .docx 13.79kb
| | ├──定语从句练习答案(大神班).docx 16.25kb
| | ├──简单句练习(大神班).docx 13.65kb
| | ├──简单句练习答案(大神班).docx 16.50kb
| | ├──简单句之修饰成分(大神班) .pdf 812.33kb
| | ├──名词性从句(大神班) .pdf 626.14kb
| | ├──名词性从句练习(大神班).docx 13.58kb
| | ├──名词性从句练习答案(大神班).docx 15.81kb
| | ├──其他语法知识(大神班) .pdf 631.04kb
| | ├──五大句式练习(大神班).docx 13.12kb
| | ├──五大句式练习答案(大神班).docx 14.48kb
| | └──状语从句(大神班) .pdf 811.49kb
| ├──正课视频
| | ├──11.04高分功能语法.mp4 563.33M
| | ├──11.09高分功能语法-1.mp4 361.49M
| | ├──11.09高分功能语法-2.mp4 121.93M
| | ├──11.18高分功能语法-1.mp4 398.81M
| | ├──11.18高分功能语法-2.mp4 1.19G
| | ├──11.21高分功能语法.mp4 667.31M
| | ├──11.24高分功能语法.mp4 437.76M
| | ├──12.01高分语法-1.mp4 385.06M
| | └──12.01高分语法-2.mp4 107.68M
| └──语法.zip 3.41M
| ├──剑10题干词
| | └──剑10题干词
| ├──正课视频
| | ├──11.03强化阅读mp4 290.58M
| | ├──11.15强化阅读mp4 268.27M
| | ├──11.19强化阅读-1mp4 72.65M
| | ├──11.19强化阅读-2mp4 193.80M
| | ├──11.19强化阅读-3mp4 71.63M
| | ├──11.26强化阅读mp4 367.53M
| | ├──12.03强化阅读mp4 290.28M
| | ├──12.10强化阅读mp4 288.97M
| | ├──12.12强化阅读-1mp4 70.19M
| | └──12.12强化阅读-2mp4 289.10M
| ├──郭佳荣阅读材料.pdf 373.04kb
| ├──刘洪波第一二三类考点词-+-汇总(538个).pdf 307.99kb
| ├──判断经典例题.pptx 85.95kb
| ├──雅思评分标准.pdf 49.25kb
| ├──雅思阅读基本知识.pdf 9.31M
| ├──阅读.mp4 1.24G
| └──阅读14天同替.docx 14.75kb
├──11.2九分班复习计划 全日制(1).xlsx 12.98kb
├──11.2九分班复习计划(日常上班的话).xlsx 12.83kb
├──寒假作业.txt 0.51kb
└──课表.jpg 127.68kb

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