
课程来自于 【生物无忧】分子生物学实验视频高清教程


/汇众资源库/【分类课程】/【医学养生课程】/实验技术课程/08、生物无忧 分子生物学实验视频高清教程
| ├──A Highly Sensitive Method for the Detection of p16 Methylation in the Serum.pdf 204.68kb
| ├──Analysis of DNA Methylation in Plants by Bisulfite Sequencing.pdf 538.94kb
| ├──DNA甲基化检测_高清.mp4 72.80M
| ├──DNA甲基化检测实验指导.pdf 455.84kb
| ├──High Quality Assessment of DNA Methylation Using Quantitative HRM Analysis.pdf 545.14kb
| ├──MAL基因在胃癌组织中的甲基化及其mRNA的表达.pdf 950.44kb
| └──Melting Curve Assays for DNA Methylation Analysis.pdf 671.45kb
| ├──Molecular cloning and tissue distribution of reduced folate carrier.pdf 966.38kb
| ├──Molecular cloning of virB12 gene in pET28a vector.pdf 334.90kb
| ├──T-Vector System for Gene Cloning and Functional Genomics.pdf 1.12M
| ├──分子克隆技术(DNA重组)_高清.mp4 151.03M
| └──分子克隆技术实验指导.pdf 568.99kb
| ├──HRM analysis for MIRU–VNTR genotyping of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.pdf 680.10kb
| ├──HRM analysis for the detection of single nucleotide polymorphisms.pdf 837.52kb
| ├──HRM分析鉴定病原微生物.pdf 857.84kb
| ├──HRM实验指导.pdf 433.63kb
| ├──Rapid identification of HBB gene mutations by high-resolution melting analysis.pdf 1.37M
| ├──Roche LightCyler 480 High Resolution Melting Master instruction.pdf 342.40kb
| ├──【生物无忧】高分辨熔解曲线分析技术(HRM)_标清.mp4 16.95M
| └──高分辨率熔解曲线实验优化建议.pdf 822.80kb
| ├──A reverse transcription-PCR assay to detect viable Mycoplasma synoviae in poultry.pdf 109.34kb
| ├──Characterization of specific cDNA background synthesis introduced.pdf 625.34kb
| ├──Clinical significance of MUC1 and c-Met RT-PCR detection of circulating tumor cells.pdf 136.94kb
| ├──Improved detectionby RT-PCR of heat shock-inducible hsp70 gene.pdf 356.51kb
| ├──Roche Transcriptor First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit instruction.pdf 2.20M
| ├──反转录聚合酶链反应RT-PCR_高清.mp4 81.82M
| ├──逆转录PCR(RT-PCR)实验操作_高清.mp4 75.50M
| └──逆转录病毒的制备_高清.mp4 117.92M
├──实时荧光定量PCR(real time-QPCR)
| ├──Gene quantification using real-time quantitative PCR.pdf 185.75kb
| ├──Quantitative real-time PCR a powerful ally in cancer research.pdf 142.17kb
| ├──real time-QPCR实验指导.pdf 559.41kb
| ├──Real-Time PCR Assays for Detection of Mycoplasma pneumoniae.pdf 56.81kb
| ├──Recent advances in quantitative PCRapplications in food microbiology.pdf 260.18kb
| ├──Roche LightCycler 480 SYBR Green I Master instruction.pdf 461.72kb
| ├──实时荧光定量PCR_高清.mp4 83.93M
| └──荧光定量PCR数据分析_高清.mp4 14.17M
| ├──Cryptosporidium Infection in Domestic GeeseDetected by In-situ Hybridization.pdf 442.47kb
| ├──Detection and Localization of DNAby ISH Using a Digoxigenin-labeled Probe.pdf 278.97kb
| ├──Effect of developmental lead exposure by digoxigenin-labeled ISHhistochemistry.pdf 371.18kb
| ├──Improved detection by ISH in fixed tissue sections.pdf 435.88kb
| ├──Large-scale expression screening by automated whole-mount in situ.pdf 177.56kb
| ├──Localization of ocular P2Y2 receptor gene expression by in situ.pdf 408.74kb
| ├──原位杂交实验_高清.mp4 59.45M
| └──原位杂交实验指导.pdf 435.43kb
├──RNA提取_高清.mp4 75.72M
├──基因克隆菌种保藏_高清.mp4 34.98M
├──基因扩增引物的设计_高清.mp4 27.05M
├──基因序列拼接和基因同源性比对_高清.mp4 15.30M
└──菌落PCR技术鉴定_高清.mp4 30.99M

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